Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Vipera Aspis Atra im Oberwallis

Today I discovered new places im Oberwallis for Vipera Aspis Atra, and was an excellent day cause I found 10 speciemens! It never happened to me to find so much in a couple of hours, the weather was stormy and this explains why they were all out, many animals have a strange behavior in case of storms. And I will be there soon again cause I took in picture the most beautiful specimens I ever found of this specie! Have a look at the pictures, they almost all have a kind of ''V'' or ''heart'' on the head! This was really an unbelievable day, and no lies, all those specimens were found in the same 500m2! I wish you the same luck if you practice this kind of ''herping''! thanks for having a look.

P.S. The exposition for the camera was really hard with all the clouds, I hope they are good enough!

Here is the first specimen, unbelievable patterns, was impossible to not see it in the grass :

Few meters after a young specimen very quiet :

Then as I was taking the picture a third one appeared at 1 meter and its eye was specially dark :

Still walking in the stones I found near the grass one who had a BIG digestion :

 I losed my swiss-knife so I went back on my steps and found other specimens (yes unbelievable day) here is the 1st :

Then another one in digestion :

Finally my knife refunded and... this one by taking another path to the car :

Now is the time for the most beautiful one I ever found, there's no word to express in my opinion:

Another young one appeared 10 meters of my car :

And also this one was close to the precedent as I was putting it back in a safer place far from the road :

PLEASE! Remember that all the pictures of this blog are not free for use, this takes hours, patience and a lot of practice, please don't steal this work and feel free to send me over an email if you're interested in any of this pictures, I have for sure many others of the same species! Thanks.


  1. uuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhh excelent pictures mi muaaac!!! the eye of sauron XD

  2. WOW!
    Bravo, Gaétan!
    Comme je t'envie!!
    Extraordinaire de pouvoir les admirer et en photographier autant dans un secteur si restreint!
    Je me doute que tu as dû mitrailler!
    Ces marques sont extraordinaires!
    Je n'ai pas ces espèces ici, en fait il n'y a que la Zinnikeri, commune ici mais absente ailleurs!
    J'ai rater la grosse couleuvre vert et jaune hier, je me suis assise à côté sans trop me douter qu'elle sortie de son trou que j'avais repéré la veille, et j'ai entendu un sssshhhhhh puissant à 30 cm de moi, mais je ne voyais rien: elle était dans une végétation dense mais pas très haute. Le temps de me lever, elle a fait un bond d'une puissance incroyable et s'est réfugiée dans un gros roncier de l'autre côté du chemin... Impossible de la coincer, mais magnifique spectacle, hélas aucune photo! :(
    Voilà pour ma déconvenue!!
    J'attends la suite de tes aventures avec impatience!
    Bonne continuation!
    Mes amitiés!

  3. waou la pêche miraculeuse! bien mise en image bravo

  4. Gaétan, tu me diras, quand tu auras quelques secondes comment je peux joindre Chamoiselle?!!
    J'ai des messages très sympas auxquelles j'aimerais répondre....
    Merci d'avance!

  5. Wow, incredible pictures!
    I'm going to keep track of your work!
    Thanks a lot for sharing!


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